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Acrylic Paintings – The Seven Singers


Acrylic Paintings – The Seven Singers Detail 1 Acrylic Paintings – The Seven Singers Detail 2

The Seven Singers –
Words are meaningless if everyone sings the same tune

Rosie Jackson 2004
Acrylics on canvas, 100 x 80 cm

Four of the seven singers are still standing motionless in a row. They are blissfully unaware that they are conveniently controllable, with golden salvationchains around their throats, crushing self-expression.

But perhaps they will soon stretch their folded horizonhands and utter words of authenticity.

Then they will be free to fly heavenwards like the first singer. White surpassingseeds are born of orange plants. The goldenglobes in their mouths grow as they learn to communicate on a more genuine level.